Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog 6.2 Acid/Base Properties

  Electrolytes have to do with ionic bonding. When they have been disolved in water they conduct electricity. This is because they are charged ions and when they are broken apart they form electricity. Non-electrolytes do not conduct electricity because the ions are not charged, therefore no electricity can be formed. Electrolytes are an important part in our body. They help the body process electrical signals for communication. Electrolytes become ions that generate electrical signal to communicate with the brain, muscles, and nervous system. 
     An indicator works by changing color to determine if the substance is an acid or base. Depending on the indicator being used to color changes can mean different things. 

     Enrichment: Indicators really work by already having acids and bases in them,when more is added they change to either one color or the other (indicating if it is an acid or a base). Indicators are made up of two solutions, Hln and In, both of these have a distict color. This creates two possible reactions, depending on whether an acid or base was present in the solution.`

     Neutralization reaction is when acids and bases combine to form a product of salt and water. This happens because the only thing making a solution acidic is H+1 ions and the only thing making a solution a base is (OH)-1 ions. So when these two are mixed they would bond together to make water (H2O). Since there are not any acid or bases around the pH would be 7 (neutral). 

     In order to determine which solution was which we used indicator Bromothymol blue. We put each solution into a different well on the test plate and then added the inicator to each one. From here we could determine which ones were acids and which were the bases.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lab 6.1

1) All of my procedures were correct except for my Potassium Dichromate combined with the copper chloride I believe that the outcome for this was different from what was originally chosen because the two substances mixed didn't cause any precipitation to happen.

2) Something that is removed from waste water before it is proceeded back to nature is a pump. It gets all of the sediments out of the water. Sulfide is insoluble which means it is a precipitant.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lab 5.1

In this lab, my group and I had to measure the rate a plastic container and its top, would fly off with a different amount of alka seltzer and vinegar. In order to get results, you would need to change the results; if you didn't do this, the results would remain the same. Student B had the best method for this experiment because unlike the other two students, student B changed the temperature variables in order to get different outcomes.
Each particle changed the rate because as the temperature increased, the time the cap came off was at a faster rate. As the temperature decreases, the cap comes off at a slower rate. The more vinegar that is added and the less alka seltzer that is added, causes the cap to come off at a slower rate because the alka seltzer is what triggers the whole experiment.I predicted that the higher the temperature, the faster the cap of the container would come off and the lower the temperature, the slower the cap of the container would come off.

An example of a catalyst is the catalytic converter in a car. This is coated with platinum to reduce carbon monoxide emissions. Catalysts are used in an industry to speed up the rate of reaction.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lab 4.2

In blog 4.2, we observed the changes in the energy of the lauric acid as it changes from one phase to another when adding or decreasing kinetic energy. 

Step 1) Obtain 5 grams of the lauric acid and put it into a single test tube.

Step 2) You then begin heating the beaker full of this substance and record the temperature every 25 seconds to get the most efficient results.

Step 3) Then, you put it in a beaker full of ice and recorded that data every few seconds to get the the top of the line results 

Step 4) After all this is finished, we graphed the data and begin to observe the curves of those two experiments.
The melting point and freezing point on both graphs are relatively the same; but they were off by not very much. These two values should be the same because they both become a liquid at the end of the experiment.

Kinetic energy is the energy in a substance due to it's particle movements. In the heating curves graph it is increasing and in my cooling curves graph it is decreasing. Potential energy is the energy that a substance has due to the position it is in. My potential energy in my heating graph is increasing as it is decreasing in my cooling graph. This makes sense because when something heats up, the kinetic energy and potential energy increase because the particles are obtaining more energy.

Lauric acids actual melting point is 44 degrees celsius. Mine was different because i must have miscalculated.

Lauric Acid is a  fatty acid, CH3(CH2)10COOH, obtained chiefly from coconut and laurel oils and used in making soaps, cosmetics, esters, and lauryl alcohol. It is also used in many oils, humans milk, cows milk, and goats milk