Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lab 7.2

Using pennies as isotopes in our lab we didn't come across any problems. If the atomic mass of flourine is 18.99, this is because it's isotope Cl-19 is more abundant than Cl-17. These two isotopes share the same protons but a different number of neutrons.
       A mass spectrometer sperates and detects ions of slightly different masses, easily sperating different isotopes of an element. After the ions are seperated and measured they are displayed on a graph
      Inside a U-238 atom there are 92 protons and 146 neutrons. When the nucleus catches a moving neutron it splits into two(fissions) and when this happens energy is released in heat from, also throwing some neutrons. If enough of these are thrown off it can cause another atoms nuclei to split, creating a chain reaction. When this happens over and over again very large amounts of heat can be produced from amounts of uranium. In nuclear power plants machines can be run off of this process. 

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