A) The ion that is present during a reaction but does not undergo a change and it is on both sides of the reaction
B) Silver
C) Magnesuim
2) The Y 2+ ion wants to react with something that higher on the list.
a) The reactivity series or activity series is a series of metals, in order of reactivity from highest to lowest.
b) You can figure out which has higher or lower reactivity and which ones want to react with which one.
4)The last four react better and are less common to be found for that reason.
5)Smelting is a form of extractive metallurgy; its main use is to produce a metal. This includes iron extraction from iron ore, and copper extraction and other base metals from the ores.
Enrichment: Silver nitrate, is affected by light and dark depending on the intensity of light on its solution, and it used in photography in a sensitive film to light fall on it through the lens of the camera, and the film must be treated in a dark room in a process to develop the pictures by using different solutions, lastly they fixed the pics by sodium thiosulphate, by the way silver nitrate solution is used as an old hair dye and the color depends on the concentration.
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