Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lab 11.1

1a) The penny wrapped in the steel was less corroded than the unwrapped one.
1b) Sacrificial metal.
1c) Electrons are being taken away from the copper which means it can't be oxidized anymore.

2) Corrosion is happening because the iron nails are taking the electrons from the aluminum and causing a reaction that causes the aluminum to ionize.

3) It would have prevented the flow of electrons to travel to the aluminum

4) Corrosion is a process that takes place when essential properties within a given material begin to deteriorate, after exposure to elements that recur within the environment. Most often, this deterioration is noticed in metals and referred to as rust. What happens in this case is the chemical reactions  that are set up by an exposure of the electrons in the metal to the presence of water and oxygen.

4Al+  3 O2 --> 2 Al2O3 (aluminum has oxidized and oxygen has reduced)
3 Fe + 2 Al+3 --> 2 Al + 3 Fe+2 (aluminum reduced back to zero and iron has been oxidized)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lab 11.2

A) The ion that is present during a reaction but does not undergo a change and it is on both sides of the reaction
B)  Silver
C) Magnesuim

2) The Y 2+ ion wants to react with something that higher on the list.

a) The reactivity series or activity series is a series of metals, in order of reactivity from highest to lowest.
b) You can figure out which has higher or lower reactivity and which ones want to react with which one.

4)The last four react better and are less common to be found for that reason.

5)Smelting is a form of extractive metallurgy; its main use is to produce a metal. This includes iron extraction from iron ore, and copper extraction and other base metals from the ores. 

Enrichment: Silver nitrate, is affected by light and dark depending on the intensity of light on its solution, and it used in photography in a sensitive film to light fall on it through the lens of the camera, and the film must be treated in a dark room in a process to develop the pictures by using different solutions, lastly they fixed the pics by sodium thiosulphate, by the way silver nitrate solution is used as an old hair dye and the color depends on the concentration.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lab 10.3

The measurements that I took varied a lot, I was surprised in the amount of variation because I thought that the measurements would be much closer.  I think that if we measured more precisely it would make our trials more consistent across the board.
This is very important! because when temperatures go below freezing point celcius, the coolant needs to be able to run through the engine without freezing, freezing point depression allows it to not freeze even when temps are below 0, while it doesnt boil when temperatures are above 212 F.

Freezing point depression/boiling point elevation is caused by solute solvent bonding because the bonding makes it more difficult breaking apart the molecules. For example,H20+NaCl, the NaCl breaks apart and forms ions which disrupt the breaking apart of H20 molecules. So when H20 molecules are about to break with boiling or crystallize when freezing it takes a colder temperature to freeze and a warmer temp to boil because the NaCl gets in the way of these processes and makes it more difficult to boil and freeze at the normal temperature.
One real life example of colligative properties would be opening the top of a soda bottle, because when you take the cap off the pressure is lowered and the CO2 escapes, causing the soda to have a flat flavor.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Lab 10.2

The graph that I had and Table G had many similatiries; ours was not very accurate due to the lack of plots on the graph. Since there was only 10g of water, the KClO3 may have dissolved much quicker than it should have.
To make the KClO3 dissolve quicker, we increased the temperature of the solution by putting it on a hot plate. When surface area is increased, meaning we have to crush up the KCLO3 there is more room for collisions resulting in more effective ones.The solution was unsaturated when the KClO3 was undissolved at the bottom of the test tube and it was saturated when the KClO3 was dissolved.

Enrichment:A saturated solution is created when making rock candy. With water you add as much sugar as will dissolve, and then heat the water to dissolve more creating a solution that is supersaturated. After, you add the string into the water on where the candy will form. As the water cools the super saturated solution has more sugar in it than it can possibly hold. This causes the sugar to come out of the solution forming a precipitate which is the crystals of the rock candy.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lab 10.1

1. The sugar and salt samples are polar because they were not soluble in hexane, and because they were both sulble in water and ethanol. 
2.The vegetable oil is the only non-polar sample because we found that it was soluble in hexane.
 3.We concluded that polarity in ethanol isn't not at a constant rate because it did not dissolve both non-polar or polar molecules at the same rate for a same amount of time.
 4.I would not expect ethanol to dissolve in any of the other two solutions because of its polarity.
 5.NH3: polar, soluble, insoluble. I2: non polar, insoluble, soluble. HCl: polar, soluble, insoluble.
6. The ionic materials are polar whereas hexane is non-polar, therefore the compounds dissolve together.

I think only the carbon dioxide would dissolve because out of the three gases,due to the fact it's the only polar compound. Oxygen and carbon dioxide need to be able to dissolve in water for any life to live because it's what they use to breathe.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog 9.2

1) When HCl was added, the solution turned dark blue and shifted to the right.
2)When looking for the delta H, you can determine if it is exothermic or endothermic by looking at table I, so if there is a negative sign in the amount of kJ that means that the reaction is exthermic, and when there is a plus sign, that indicates that it is a endothermic reaction. You can determine this by looking at a potential energy chart.
3) Table F says that when they react together they are insoluble.
When you add AgNO3, the reaction changed to a pink color and shifted to the left.

6) When the soda container was opened, the reaction shifts to the right since all the pressure from the closed can has been released and because the amount of CO2 is increasing inside of the can.

1) CO2
2) Shift to the right
3) The amount of CaCO3 decreases
4) The more panting results in a thinner shell because there is less CaCO3
5) Change the temp and this would take advantage of LeChateliers princple because you would be controlling the temp

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lab 9.1

1) The solution process was endothermic because there was no negative side meaning it absorbed heat rather than gave off heat.

2) The possible source of percent error could have been an error in measurement with the thermometer.

3a) The moles of solute would remain the same as for the q value and delta H value, they would both increase which would cause the liquid state of the solute to become greater.

3b) If you added less chemical, the moles of solute would be lower in number along with the q value. The delta H should remain the same.

3c) Your delta H and q value would increase, the number of moles would remain the same.

The mist being sprayed on the trees is freezing instead of the oranges, they do this because it  helps prevent the oranges from eventually freezing up and dying off.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lab 8.2

The more viscous oils are the ones that have a higher total number of carbons, which results as well in a higher total number of hydrogen atoms. This is because the the higher viscosity is directly related to the attractions of the molecules. In the lab we came to the conclusion that the higher the boiling point was of an element, the stronger the intermolecular attractions were as well. The larger the the molecules are the stronger the intermolecular attractions are.

Viscosity decreases with boiling point. This means that the liquid less likely to resist flow will have a lower boiling point. This is because of a weaker intermolecular attraction. In the lab, the Torch fuel has a density of 5.7 grams per milliliter, and motor oil has a density of 8 grams per ml. This shows that motor oil has a larger molar mass, and a graph shows us that it takes more energy to boil the torch fuel.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lab 8.1

1) One error in this procedure was some of the sugar that you chewed disappeared along with little chunks of gum to make measurements decrease in number.Someone could think that the sugar is gone, and they weigh the gum, when really, some sugar is still a component of the gum. This is what probably happened when we performed our experiment, and what messed up the data in the experiment.

1) Blogs help us look back on what we did in class, and what our procedures were in class. It's a very easy assignment, if you get it done on time. The only thing that should be considered is that some people do not have a computer or internet access at home. But otherwise I think the blog is an easier way to do the summary of your lab.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lab 7.4

Elements in the same group share similar properties than elements in the same period. You know this because in the lab we saw that the elements that we in the same groups that had been tested turned out to have the same results.We have concluded that they are more similar than elements in the same group.
     Elements in the same group share the same number of valence electrons. ]Which leads to them having similar chemical properties. Because the amount of electrons, or the electron configuration had a big impact on on how elements differ. In groups, elements share the same number of valence electrons, which really means that they have the same amount of distance from the nucleus.

As an atom of sodium reacts with an atom of non-metal it loses the electrons. When this happens it becomes a positive ion. The electrical charge of the ion is +1. The soduim ions electron configuration becomes similar to the element neon. After the atom loses electrons and becomes an ion it becomes more stable.
Pure sodium can be obtained by mixing both NaCl and the right amount of CaCl to lower the melting point, this process produces  pure sodium metal.

Friday, February 18, 2011


1) Atomic radius of elements is a measure by the size of its atoms typical distance from the nucleus to the boundary of the surrounding cloud of  electrons. Because heavier elements have more particles in the nucleus (number of protons and number of neutrons), the nucleus would have a stronger attractions to the electrons, which would cause the radii to be smaller.

2) Electronegativity is a measure of the ability an atom has to attract electrons to it in a bonding situation. the larger the element, the less electronegativity the element has because the electrons are further away from the nucleus, and the harder it is for these elements to bond.

3) Ionization energy is a measure of the amount of energy needed in order to rip the most loosely held valence electron away from an atom.The non-metals are harder to strip an electron away than metals because non-metals want to gain electrons, whereas metals want to loose their electrons. Also generally top right non-metals have greater number of protons and electrons in their nucleus, so they hold a better attraction to their electrons.

4)Trends are referred to being periodic because periodic means how something goes in an order/pattern and happens in certain intervals, like the Periodic Table.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lab 7.2

Using pennies as isotopes in our lab we didn't come across any problems. If the atomic mass of flourine is 18.99, this is because it's isotope Cl-19 is more abundant than Cl-17. These two isotopes share the same protons but a different number of neutrons.
       A mass spectrometer sperates and detects ions of slightly different masses, easily sperating different isotopes of an element. After the ions are seperated and measured they are displayed on a graph
      Inside a U-238 atom there are 92 protons and 146 neutrons. When the nucleus catches a moving neutron it splits into two(fissions) and when this happens energy is released in heat from, also throwing some neutrons. If enough of these are thrown off it can cause another atoms nuclei to split, creating a chain reaction. When this happens over and over again very large amounts of heat can be produced from amounts of uranium. In nuclear power plants machines can be run off of this process. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blog 7.1

I think that an elements spectrum is called it's fingerprint because like a fingerprint every spectrum is atleast slightly different and it is its own special thing. This helps us to determine which element is which, because none of them are identical. When atoms leave their ground state and enter their "excited state" they return back to their original ground state. When this happens light is omitted and depending on the elements electrons different colors.

     When an element is changing from it's ground state to an excited state the electrons absorb energy and move to higher energy levels. 

     Helium was originally discovered in the sun, before on earth.

     A red shift happens when light seen coming from an objects are increased in wavelengths, or shifted to the red side of the spectrum. A blue shift happens when there is a decrease in the wavelength and it becomes shifted towards the blue side of the spectum. Because of the increasing wavelengths in red shifts the distances of the objects are becoming larger and this is creating the universe to expand.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog 6.2 Acid/Base Properties

  Electrolytes have to do with ionic bonding. When they have been disolved in water they conduct electricity. This is because they are charged ions and when they are broken apart they form electricity. Non-electrolytes do not conduct electricity because the ions are not charged, therefore no electricity can be formed. Electrolytes are an important part in our body. They help the body process electrical signals for communication. Electrolytes become ions that generate electrical signal to communicate with the brain, muscles, and nervous system. 
     An indicator works by changing color to determine if the substance is an acid or base. Depending on the indicator being used to color changes can mean different things. 

     Enrichment: Indicators really work by already having acids and bases in them,when more is added they change to either one color or the other (indicating if it is an acid or a base). Indicators are made up of two solutions, Hln and In, both of these have a distict color. This creates two possible reactions, depending on whether an acid or base was present in the solution.`

     Neutralization reaction is when acids and bases combine to form a product of salt and water. This happens because the only thing making a solution acidic is H+1 ions and the only thing making a solution a base is (OH)-1 ions. So when these two are mixed they would bond together to make water (H2O). Since there are not any acid or bases around the pH would be 7 (neutral). 

     In order to determine which solution was which we used indicator Bromothymol blue. We put each solution into a different well on the test plate and then added the inicator to each one. From here we could determine which ones were acids and which were the bases.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lab 6.1

1) All of my procedures were correct except for my Potassium Dichromate combined with the copper chloride I believe that the outcome for this was different from what was originally chosen because the two substances mixed didn't cause any precipitation to happen.

2) Something that is removed from waste water before it is proceeded back to nature is a pump. It gets all of the sediments out of the water. Sulfide is insoluble which means it is a precipitant.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lab 5.1

In this lab, my group and I had to measure the rate a plastic container and its top, would fly off with a different amount of alka seltzer and vinegar. In order to get results, you would need to change the results; if you didn't do this, the results would remain the same. Student B had the best method for this experiment because unlike the other two students, student B changed the temperature variables in order to get different outcomes.
Each particle changed the rate because as the temperature increased, the time the cap came off was at a faster rate. As the temperature decreases, the cap comes off at a slower rate. The more vinegar that is added and the less alka seltzer that is added, causes the cap to come off at a slower rate because the alka seltzer is what triggers the whole experiment.I predicted that the higher the temperature, the faster the cap of the container would come off and the lower the temperature, the slower the cap of the container would come off.

An example of a catalyst is the catalytic converter in a car. This is coated with platinum to reduce carbon monoxide emissions. Catalysts are used in an industry to speed up the rate of reaction.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lab 4.2

In blog 4.2, we observed the changes in the energy of the lauric acid as it changes from one phase to another when adding or decreasing kinetic energy. 

Step 1) Obtain 5 grams of the lauric acid and put it into a single test tube.

Step 2) You then begin heating the beaker full of this substance and record the temperature every 25 seconds to get the most efficient results.

Step 3) Then, you put it in a beaker full of ice and recorded that data every few seconds to get the the top of the line results 

Step 4) After all this is finished, we graphed the data and begin to observe the curves of those two experiments.
The melting point and freezing point on both graphs are relatively the same; but they were off by not very much. These two values should be the same because they both become a liquid at the end of the experiment.

Kinetic energy is the energy in a substance due to it's particle movements. In the heating curves graph it is increasing and in my cooling curves graph it is decreasing. Potential energy is the energy that a substance has due to the position it is in. My potential energy in my heating graph is increasing as it is decreasing in my cooling graph. This makes sense because when something heats up, the kinetic energy and potential energy increase because the particles are obtaining more energy.

Lauric acids actual melting point is 44 degrees celsius. Mine was different because i must have miscalculated.

Lauric Acid is a  fatty acid, CH3(CH2)10COOH, obtained chiefly from coconut and laurel oils and used in making soaps, cosmetics, esters, and lauryl alcohol. It is also used in many oils, humans milk, cows milk, and goats milk